Jesus is the living, breathing Word and to read, study, memorize, enjoy and meditate on the Word is to be with Jesus. The Bible is about His story and His story shapes ours. – John 1:1-18
God’s Word engages, confronts and challenges, but also comforts, encourages and instructs. This should not surprise us because that is what Jesus did. The Scripture says this about itself:
“It is living and active, it is sharper than the sharpest dagger, cutting swift and deep into our innermost thoughts and desires with all their parts, exposing us for what we really are.”
– Hebrews 4:12
Therefore: We will submit our lives, Sabbath, Spiritual Practices and Friendships and our Service to the Scripture in an organic and purposeful way.

Sabbath can be a day, but it can also be a place with God — a space He makes, where He pursues. Our world is moving at hyper-speed, we live on the edge, distracted by what’s next while missing the present. Sabbath is not just an interruption in our rhythm, it sets it.
“Be still and know that I am God.”
– Psalm 46:10
Therefore: We will prioritize the Sabbath experience to stop, rest, delight and contemplate His Word, beauty, works and wonders recognizing that God is sufficient for us and it is He who sustains us, not the work of our hands.

Modern life with its affluence, pace, competition and comparison weathers one’s soul. While we admit this life “works,” its very design—can affect us more than we know and can numb us to the purposes of God and obscure the way of Jesus.
Our culture requires a kind of fierceness to stay fully awake to God. We believe that wherever we live we can experience a deeper spirituality—by bringing ancient practices into our modern life.
“Become blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine like stars in the world.”
– Philippians 2:15
Therefore: We will teach, encourage and devote ourselves to the Word, the practice of prayer, participation in worship, solitude and service for our inward spiritual formation. These practices and others offer a pathway to the presence of Christ and opens us to the work of God.

“Spiritual friendships are needed by all people; are discovered through the immediate bond of the love of Jesus Christ; are created through shared faith, prayer, possessions, feelings, and decision-making; and will last forever.”
– Pastor Tim Keller
Through deepening our relationships we will sharpen each other, encourage each other, pray for each other and build each other up. We recognize that we cannot live as followers of Jesus without each other—in fact when we commit to each other in love we exemplify Jesus.
“I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be One as we are One.”
– John 17:22
Therefore: We will commit ourselves to Spiritual Friendships in a variety of forms and settings, in church and out, inviting Jesus into our experience. We will be an inter-generational and family-focused community reflecting God’s redemptive heart for us and for the world.

In offering our lives in service and compassion we experience the fullness of Jesus and reflect his likeness.
While serving together spiritual friendships emerge and develop around loving purpose. When we serve with our unique gifts and talents we fulfill God’s plan to build up ChurchONE, our community becomes a better place and God brings restoration to the world.
“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.”
– 1 Peter 4:10
Therefore: We will whole-heartedly serve together in our church community and align activities and partnerships where service and compassion can express our collective heart for our neighborhoods, city and world.